RMTR29: Casa Alvito

Proença-a-Nova, Castelo Branco



House for renovation with 69.6m2 Land with 110m2, small garden & a loquat tree

Property Advertised by: Licensed Estate Agent

Property Description

Great opportunity to acquire a shist stone house for renovation, located in the beautiful nature surroundings of central Portugal.

Built in stone this house was later extended to better meet the needs of its owners, with a large kitchen and bathroom. The bedrooms and living room are in the stone house. It has an attic with access to a terrace from where you can enjoy a beautiful landscape.

House with 69.6m2

Land with 110m2

Outside there is a small garden with a loquat tree.

Ideal for a holiday home or even permanent living.

Viewing highly recommended!

Located in the village of Alvito da Beira, with a beautiful river beach, clean water and a bar and restaurant which are open all year.


Property Location

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